- 22/03/2024
- Dr. Kunaal Shinde
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Know All About Vulvar Cancer
If You Are Living in Baner and having Cancer problems? Look no further than Dr. Kunaal Shinde. He is the Gyneac Cancer Specialist in Pune and also has 12 years + of experience in treating various gynecological conditions.
Vulvar cancer is a rare type of cancer that affects the vulva, which is the outer part of a woman’s genital area. It is usually slow-growing and grows over several years. The cancer cells can invade nearby tissues and organs if left untreated.
Vulvar cancer usually grows in the labia, the tissue that covers the opening of the vagina.
In India, 50–60% of all cancers among females are linked specifically to the four organs; cervix uteri, breast, corpus uteri, and ovaries. Vulvar cancer is one of the irregular cancers of the female reproductive tract representing about 4% of the gynecologic malignancies and 0.6% of all cancers in women.
Dr. Kunaal Shinde is a Gynaec Laparoscopic Surgeon in Pune to provide comprehensive and compassionate care for patients with vulvar cancer.
What is Vulvar Cancer?
Vulvar cancer is a cancerous growth that starts in the vulva, which is the outer part of a woman’s genital area. It is usually diagnosed in females over 50 years of age, but it can happen in younger women too. There are various types of vulvar cancer, including scale cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, melanoma, and sarcoma.
Types of Vulvar Cancer:
Vulvar cancer typically develops in the skin cells of the vulva. There are a few types of vulvar cancer, including:
- Squamous cell carcinoma: This is the most common type of vulvar cancer, accounting for about 90% of cases. It initiates in the slim, flat cells that line the surface of the vulva.
- Adenocarcinoma: This type of vulvar cancer develops in the glandular cells of the vulva and is less common than squamous cell carcinoma.
- Melanoma: Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that can also occur on the vulva. It develops in the pigment-producing cells called melanocytes.
Causes of Vulvar Cancer:
The actual cause of vulvar cancer is not known, but certain risk elements can improve the chances of developing the disease. These risk elements include:
- Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection
- Smoking
- Chronic vulvar itching or irritation
- Vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN)
- Weakened immune system
- History of genital warts or genital herpes
- Age over 50 years
Symptoms of vulvar cancer:
Dr. Kunaal Shinde suggested In its beginning phases, vulvar cancer may not cause any side effects. At the point when side effects do happen, they can include:
- abnormal bleeding
- itching in the vulvar area
- a discolored patch of skin
- pain with urination
- pain and tenderness in the vulvar area
- a warty growth
- a lump
If you experience these or other unusual symptoms, it’s important to consult with Dr. Kunaal Shinde. Early detection and therapy may help prevent the cancer from moving and becoming more advanced.
Diagnosis of Vulvar Cancer:
If a person visits a Dr. Shinde with concerns about changes to the vulva, the gynecologist will most likely:
- ask about signs and symptoms
- ask about the individual and family clinical history
- carry out a physical examination
- recommend a biopsy, if anything looks unusual
Additional testing could be necessary based on the biopsy’s findings:
- A Pap smear includes taking a sample of cervical cells to assess in a laboratory.
- Cystoscopy is used to scan the bladder and look for signs of cancer.
- Proctoscopy is utilized in the rectum to check if disease is available.
- An MRI, CT scan, or X-ray can look for indications of cancer elsewhere in the body.
If a biopsy verifies the presence of vulvar cancer, Dr. Shinde one of the best Gynecologists in Baner will stage it with the help of imaging scans.
Staging of vulvar cancer:
Dr. Kunaal Shinde stages vulvar cancer based on how large it is, where it is, and whether it has spread to nearby lymph nodes, which is determined during surgery to remove the cancer.
The stages of vulvar cancer generally include 0 through 4. The higher the stage is, the greater the severity:
- Stage 0: Cancer is specified to the skin’s surface.
- Stage 1: Cancer impacts the vulva or the perineum. The perineum is the area of skin between the vaginal opening and the rear end. The tumor has not spread to the lymph nodes or other areas.
- Stage 2: Cancer has spread from the vulva to local structures, for example, the lower parts of the urethra, vagina, and anus.
- Stage 3: Cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes.
- Stage 4A: Cancer has spread more broadly to the lymph nodes or the upper parts of the urethra or vagina. In other chances, the tumors have spread to the bladder, rectum, or pelvic bone.
- Stage 4B: Cancer has spread to far-off organs or lymph nodes.
Treatment of Vulvar Cancer:
Vulvar cancer therapy plans heavily trust on the stage of cancer and general health. Three strategies are used to treat vulvar cancer: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
- Surgery: Surgery is the most typical type of vulvar cancer therapy. One type of surgery, local excision, involves the removal of cancerous tissue along with a margin of healthy tissue covering it. Sometimes, lymph nodes may be removed. Another surgical method, a vulvectomy, could be an option for some. A vulvectomy removes all or part of the vulva and is reserved for more developed cases. For people experiencing aggressive vulvectomy surgeries, vaginal reconstruction surgery may be available using plastic surgery procedures and skin grafts.
- Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is occasionally defined along with radiation therapy to improve the effectiveness of radiation therapy or to help shrink a large tumor before surgery. It may also be provided as adjuvant therapy to control a recurrence.
- Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy is also an option for treating vulvar cancer. This type of therapy uses certain types of high-energy rays of radiation to shrink tumors or stop cancer cells. Radiation therapy damages a cancer cell’s DNA, making it unable to multiply. Although radiation therapy can harm nearby healthy cells, cancer cells are highly sensitive to radiation and typically die when treated. Healthy cells damaged during radiation are resilient and often able to regain fully.
In some cases, you may be able to experience a clinical trial. Clinical trials are part of scientific study.
People are chosen to receive new therapies and are observed very carefully to consider the therapy’s effectiveness. Talk with Dr. Kunaal Shinde about whether a clinical trial is appropriate for you.
Vulvar cancer during pregnancy:
The main therapy for vulvar cancer in pregnancy contains surgical intervention, performed either during pregnancy or in the postpartum period (the period just after delivery). The most typical surgical therapies before 36 weeks‘ of pregnancy are local excision or vulvectomy (with or without lymphadenectomy).
How Dr. Kunaal Shinde Can Help?
The gynecologic oncology practice at LOVE YOUR BELLY specializes in treating patients with vulvar cancer,” says Dr. Kunaal Shinde gynecologic oncologist. Every day we handle the needs of many patients with precancerous vulvar lesions and vulvar cancer. We use a multidisciplinary practice and perform cutting-edge surgery with the goal of cure.
Dr. Kunaal Shinde is a Robotic Gynaec Onco surgeon in Pune and he offers Vulvar cancer treatment in Baner, Pune. For more information call 8797229722 and Click on Book An Appointment now!!!!!!!!!!!